16 January 2013

Recruitment Jakarta Januari 2013

Recruitment Jakarta Januari 2013 - Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Januari 2013. PT Jakarta Realty (Agung Podomoro Group)Jakarta Realty is a member of the property company Agung Podomoro Group (APG), which manages Thamrin City need to employ professional staff to fill vacancies for the following positions

PT Jakarta Realty (Agung Podomoro Group)
Housekeeping Staff (HKS)

  1. Male 22-30 years
  2. Minimum high school education (SMA)
  3. Minimum 2 years experience
  4. Work hard, be able to work in a team
  5. Mastering Microsoft Office
If you like this Lowongan Kerja 2013 Can apply go to below:
PT Jakarta Realty