8 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Elex Media Komputindo April 2013

Recruitment PT Elex Media Komputindo April 2013 - Loker D3 S1 PT Elex Media Komputindo April 2013. Today PT Elex Media Komputindo open job in April 2013, for detail info Lowongan Kerja PT Elex Media Komputindo April 2013 go to below :

1. Detailed, thorough, and patient
2. Following the trend around the world of comics
3. Communicative in a virtual world (internet)
4. Can analyze the data properly
5. Can the promotion of a product
6. Active in various social media
7. Plus if:
understand the basic HTML language and BBC and or, have experience as a blogger and or, have experience as a web admin or online communities
Send an application letter, CV (do not forget to include all the social media accounts you have), copy of diploma, transcripts, ID card, to:
Gedung Kompas Gramedia
Jl. Palmerah Barat No.29-37 Lantai 4
Jakarta Pusat 10270

or email at:

Closed 14 April 2013