12 July 2012

Recruitment CPNS BMKG 2012

Recruitment CPNS BMKG 2012 - PENERIMAAN CPNS BMKG TAHUN 2012 - Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is a Non Government Institutions Ministry in charge of carrying out government duties in the field of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of Air Quality, pursuant to Decree of Minister of Administrative Reforms and Number: R/39/M.PAN-RB / 04/2012 dated 25 April 2012 and No.16/2012 on PNS BMKG Formation in Fiscal Year 2012 opened the opportunity for the nation's best sons and daughters who have high integrity and commitment to become a clerk BMKG through the Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Golongan II dan Golongan III.

Requirements :
Citizen of Indonesia
At least 18 years of age on 1 November 2012 a maximum of 35 years on the date of December 1, 2012;
Have never been imprisoned by the District Court decision legally binding, as evidenced by Certificate of Police records;
Having a job seeker card (Yellow Card) issued by the government agency responsible for manpower affairs;
Able-bodied, as evidenced by Certificate of Physical and Spiritual Health issued by the Government Doctor;
Not located as CPNS / PNS / Prospective members of the TNI / police and members of the TNI / police or not honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect of CPNS / civil servants / private employees;
Certified D1, D3, S1, S2, and S3 Non Personnel in accordance with educational qualifications above the following conditions: To graduate S2 and S3 have TOEFL certificate with a value of at least 500, while for S1 450 issued by the official olehlembaga legal entity; grade point average (GPA) in a 4.0 scale for a minimum of 3.00 D3 and S1, S2 and S3 for a minimum of 3.50, for graduates of S1, S2 and S3 in the country accredited diploma A and B on the National Accreditation Board - Higher Education , for foreign graduates must obtain approval from the Directorate General of Higher Education along with the conversion of GPA into a scale of 4.
BMKG UPT would be placed in all areas of existing formations Homeland accordance with the signed Statement.
Attach a Drug-Free Certificate from the Government Hospital
For more information about admission and registration please cpns BMKG year 2012 to the official website in here