Recruitment CPNS Kemenkumham 2012 - Lowongan Kerja Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS Kemenkumham 2012 SLTA dan S1 - Information and latest update CPNS Kemenkumham RI Admission Announcement High school level and S1 2012 that includes provisions CPNS Ministry of Justice and Human Rights 2012 and the requirements of prospective applicants Kemenkumham CPNS 2012
Announcement of Candidates for Admission PNS In Environment Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia Year 2012 Budget
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia (RI Kemenkumham) Fiscal Year 2012 will receive a registration of candidates for Civil Servants in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Affairs with the following conditions:
A. Prospective applicants throughout Indonesia are required to register online to the website address (except for the Regional Office of Papua and West Paupa).
A. Prospective Applicants Formation Center
- Prospective Applicants apply through the website, after filling the registration form that has been available then the applicant can print out proof of registration.- Proof of enrollment and complete application sent to PO BOX 1002 JAKARTA 10 010.
B. Prospective Applicants Formation of Regional Offices
- Prospective Applicants apply through the website, after filling the registration form that has been available then the applicant can print out proof of registration.- Proof of enrollment and complete application sent to a PO Box at the Post Office has been designated by the local Regional Office.
2. Registration began on July 23, 2012 at 8:00 pm until the date of July 27, 2012 at 24.00 pm.
3. Applicants can only apply to one formation by KTP Provincial place of residence registration (except Formation and the Central Jakarta District Office).
If you intereted this vacancy can apply go to below :