17 July 2012

Recruitment CPNS Kemenlu 2012

Recruitment CPNS Kemenlu 2012 - Lowongan Kerja CPNS Kemenlu 2012 Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for Indonesian Citizen men and women who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II to be educated as Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri (PDLN) to be assigned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Legislative Affairs in the State.For detalis info go to below :

1.Pejabat Diplomatik dan Konsuler (Diplomat/PDK)
A graduate degree (S1), Master / Master (S2) and Doctor (S3) number of 60 persons to be CPNS Group III to be educated as the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Diplomat / MDD);

Job descriptions:
The main task of a diplomat representing the country and Indonesia is the Indonesian government (representing), to negotiate for and on behalf of national interest (negotiating), protecting the interests of states and governments, citizens, and the Indonesian Legal Entities (protecting), build networks and work together to promote relations between the two countries / parties (promoting) and reporting the performance of duties and observation in the political, security, economic, social and cultural (reporting). these tasks are carried out in the Ministry of foreign Affairs and representatives of overseas.

2.Penata Keuangan dan Kerumahtanggaan Perwakilan (PKKRT)
A graduate degree (S1) number of 40 people to be educated CPNS Type III and a stylist and domesticity Financial Representative (PKKRT)

Job descriptions:
Financial and household stylists Representative (PKKRT) is a non-diplomatic staff who helped the performance of duties in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives abroad in the fields of administration, finance, personnel, equipment and housekeeping.

3.Petugas Komunikasi (PK)
Graduate Diploma 3 (D3) number of 20 persons to be CPNS Class II and trained as Communications Officer (PK).

Job descriptions:
Communications Officer (PK) is a non-diplomatic staff who helped the performance of duties in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives abroad in the field of information technology management, communications, coding, security, supervision and control of the news.
For details and apply online go to below :