Recruitment Astra Honda Motor 2012 - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Astra Honda Motor AHM originally named PT Federal Motor whose shares are majority owned by PT Astra International. In 2000 PT Federal Motor and several subsidiaries merged into one under the name of PT Astra Honda Motor, the composition of its stake to 50% owned by PT Astra International Tbk and 50% Honda Motor Co.. Astra Honda Motor has three assembly plants, the first factory is located Sunter, North Jakarta, which also serves as the headquarters. The second factory is located in Pegangsaan Two, Kelapa Gading, as well as factory to 3 at once the most advanced factories located in the MM 2100 West Cikarang, Bekasi.
Astra Honda Motor (AHM) is supported by the 1600 dealer showroom sales with production capacity of 3 million units of motorcycles per year, to demand Honda motorcycle market in Indonesia continues to increase. Astra Honda Motor is now back open Jobs PT Astra with the following qualifications:
It Planning Dan Architecture Analyst (Pan-It)
- Telah lulus / semester akhir S1 Teknik Informatika / Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Elektro
- IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 27 tahun
- Mengetahui teknik hardware IT dan software yang digunakan AHM
- Memiliki kemampuan presentasi dengan baik
- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
New Model Controller (Nmo-Pen)
Telah lulus / semester akhir D3 Teknik Mesin
- IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 25 tahun
- Mampu membuat daftar technical drawing dan mengontrol penerimaan dan distribusinya
- Mampu membuat activity plan dan mengontrol pelaksanaannya
- Mampu membaca dan melakukan perbandingan drawing part
- Mampu mempelajari urutan prosedur / flow process
Technician Engineering (Eng-Pce)
- Telah lulus / sedang semester akhir D3 Teknik Mesin/ Teknik Eletro / Automotive / Mekatronika
- IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 25 tahun
- Menguasai komponen Mesin, Drawing dan Proses Manufaktur
- Memiliki teamwork yang baik
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PT Astra Honda Motor
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