Recruitment PT Kereta Api Logistik (KALOG) 2012 - Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Logistik (KALOG) Juli 2012 is a state-owned companies under the parent PT. Railway (limited company) is doing business in logistics distribution services based railway. PT Railway Logistics function and its role includes management of Container Termianal (TPK), loading and unloading, warehousing, packing, labeling, transportation, tracking, logistics and escorts logistics management by applying the principles of limited liability. PT Rail Logistics is committed to provide solutions, serving, with high integrity, quality, and can count on.
PT Kereta Api Logistik in 2012 ahead of Ramadan is set up to prepare 22 additional trains, to anticipate the surge Lebaran next two months (PT Indonesian Railways). Currently PT Jobs Railway Logistics opened in July 2012 for candidates seeking a position in which if capable of existing, qualifying go to below :
Assistant Manager / HRD SPV
- Men / Women
- Min S1, preferably Psychologist
- GPA min. 2.75
- Age max. 32 years
- Understanding HRD policies and procedures (recruitment, remuneration, People Development, Organization Development, Rules of Employment, Human Resources Administration)
- Min 3 yrs experience in the HRD
Men / Women
- D3 Accounting
- GPA min. 2.75
- Age max. 28 years
- Thorough, Detailed
- Domiciled in Jakarta and surrounding areas
- Preferred experience min 1 year as a Cashier / Accounts Payable
Gedung JRC Lt. 2 Jln IR.H.Djuanda 1B No8-10 Jakarta Pusat
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