Recruitment SMU/SMK PT PLN (Persero) 2012 - Lowongan Kerja SMU IPA/SMK Teknik Kimia Teknik Mesin Teknik Listrik Sumatra Utara Juli 2012 PLN is a state that takes care of all aspects of electricity in Indonesia. PLN is set as Perusahaan Umum Listrik Negara dan sebagai Pemegang Kuasa Usaha Ketenagalistrikan(PKUK) with the task of providing electricity to the public interest. PLN is obliged to provide electricity to the public interest by taking into account the company's goals. PLN seeks to give protection to customers by implementing priority of service to the community to meet the electricity needs of the class households, businesses or business, industry and the public.
Today open job for SMU/SMK for details requirement go to below :
- Male ,unmarried status, and could not get married during the training prajabatan
- Maximum age 20 years (born July 18, 1992 and above)
- Graduating high school / vocational school with average - average results of the National Exam (SKHUN) of at least 6.5 (six point five)
- Minimum height 155 cm
- Weight proportional to height (BMI up to 28)
- Spiritually and physically healthy and not color blind
- No bertatoo and not pierced
- Not tied to any institution of a joint
- Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances
- Passed the selection stage of selection, which includes: Selection of Administrative, Physical Testing, Academic Testing, Psychotest, Health Tests, Interviews and Training Prajabatan.
Did you graduate from high school / vocational school / equivalent? Jobs you are interested in this 2012 PLN, immediately prepare the terms of the above and send your resume via the following address:
PT PLN (Persero)
c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta
PO BOX 2000 Medan
Closed Date 25 Juli 2012.