8 February 2013

Recruitment Rosalia Indah Group 2013

Recruitment Rosalia Indah Group 2013 - Lowongan Kerja SMA Sopir Rosalia Indah Group 2013.Transportation Services, Travel Bureau, Package Delivery Service, gas station, restaurant, laundry, bottled water, etc.
Requiring employees to fill the positions of:

Pengemudi Operasional - Code : JOB.7.Sop

  1. Requirements:
  2. Male, age 24-35 years old
  3. SIM B1 B2 Umum
  4. Education High School All Programs
  5. Diligent, Honest

Office Boy - Code: JOB.5.OB

  1. Requirements:
  2. Male, age 24-35 years old
  3. Education High School All Programs
  4. Diligent, Honest
Immediately Send your application file and completeness (Write a Job Code) to:

Jl. Raya Solo - Sragen Km. 7,5 Jaten

Karanganyar 57771
Attn : HRD Manager
Telp. 0271 – 825173.
Email : hrd.rosin@gmail.com